Parents & Caregivers
Helping to Raise Readers
Parents are their children’s first teachers. By speaking, listening, and reading to their children, adults help develop their language and early literacy skills. Learning to read is difficult, but the good news is that with the right instruction most children can be taught to read.
Raising a Reader
Parents are their children’s first teachers. There are simple, but important, things you can do to help raise your child to be a reader. Babies are born with their brains “hardwired” to learn language. Listening and speaking develop naturally but reading and writing must be learned. By speaking, listening, and reading to your children—starting at birth—you help develop their language and early literacy skills.
If Your Child Struggles
Learning to read is difficult, so it’s not surprising that many children struggle. The good news is that with early help and the right instruction, many reading problems can be prevented and most children can be taught to read. Trust your instincts and be persistent in finding help.
Comprehensive Reading Evaluation Services
Literacy How offers Comprehensive Reading Evaluations for struggling readers to help parents determine the best next steps for their child. The purpose of a comprehensive reading evaluation is to present a functional assessment of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. These can form decisions for appropriate instruction and effective interventions.