Empowering teachers with knowledge, supporting best practices
Literacy How helps teachers at every stage in their careers to apply the best and latest evidence-based methods for teaching reading. Through professional development and coaching support, our Mentors work side-by-side with teachers in and out of their classrooms. Our personalized approach builds long-lasting professional relationships to optimize student outcomes.
Literacy and Coaching Support in Your Classroom
Literacy How Mentors meet teachers where they are in their beliefs, knowledge, and skills about reading and provide them with the best evidence-based literacy practices. Literacy How’s step-by-step cognitive coaching model builds confidence and competence as they practice new methods of instruction. Through this collaborative relationship, we support teaching as a reflective process.

Evidence-Based Instruction
Explore Literacy How’s Reading Wheel to learn about each essential component of comprehensive literacy instruction—its definition, why it is important, FAQs, tips for how to successfully translate knowledge into classroom practice, tips for principals to support and observe effective instruction, and resources about the evidence behind explicit instruction.
In-Depth Training
Literacy How’s experienced Mentors deliver evidence-based content knowledge and practices for general education and special education teachers. This includes:

A series of one-day workshops on each core component of comprehensive literacy instruction from Oral Language through Comprehension.

An IDA-aligned, 30-hr Structured Literacy ™ Series for teaching all students, including those with specific learning disabilities (SLD)/dyslexia.

Customized Training Options
We customize trainings, workshops, presentations, and coaching based on your needs and our expertise. We also offer online courses for teachers and administrators.
Literacy How Professional Learning Series
The Literacy How Professional Learning Series translates the latest reading research into how-to instruction. The Knowledge to Practice book Series—Phonemic Awareness and Phonics, Syntax, Vocabulary, and Comprehension—is based on the current and comprehensive Literacy How reading model. It draws upon the authors’ decades of expertise and experience working with thousands of general and special education teachers. The Series emphasizes Pre-K-3rd grade conceptual and skill development. Teachers of older emerging or struggling readers will also find these tools useful.

Phonemic Awareness and Phonics—the keys to breaking the code!

Syntax is essential—even for beginning readers!

Vocabulary knowledge is essential for effective comprehension!

Comprehension is the goal of reading—even for beginning readers!