The science of reading is a term used to describe instruction based upon decades of rigorous research and proven successful methods in teaching reading.

“The science of reading is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based* research about reading and issues related to reading and writing. This research has been conducted over the last five decades across the world, and it is derived from thousands of studies conducted in multiple languages. The science of reading has culminated in a preponderance of evidence to inform how proficient reading and writing develop; why some have difficulty; and how we can most effectively assess and teach and, therefore, improve student outcomes through prevention of and intervention for reading difficulties.”

- The Reading League

Teaching reading
is complex!

Literacy How Mentors help educators understand the science of reading in order to use effective, evidenced-based practices, and data-driven instruction to ensure their students’ succees.

Literacy How uses a Structured Literacy approach to help teachers and administrators build their background knowledge in the evidence-based content areas shown in our Reading Wheel. Then we teach them how to apply best practices for effective instruction for EVERY student.


“Structured Literacy (SL)  is a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction, not a program, although educators can use one or more programs to deliver this kind of instruction. SL explicitly and systematically teaches the structure of language – from granular elements to global skills. SL integrates the full scope of this instructional content (WHAT is taught) with essential principles or methods of teaching (HOW content is taught) to develop automaticity and fluency needed for proficient reading and writing…This instruction benefits ALL students – particularly those with risk factors, such as dyslexia.” (IDA Perspectives, 2024)


Yes. Structured Literacy™ instruction incorporates evidence-based practices that teach the structure of English based on sound pedagogical principles, including the use of multisensory techniques to engage students in learning the elements of language. We prefer the term multimodal to acknowledge that students acquire language and literacy skills receptively – that is by ear and by eye – as well as expressively, by mouth and by eye (Berninger, 2019).


Structured Literacy™ is a problem-solving approach – that is, it is adaptable to the needs of individual students. A Structured Literacy program uses a standard treatment protocol that follows a specific sequence based on evidence-based practices. Teachers who are trained to use a Structured Literacy approach have a deeper understanding of the elements of language and the principles of instruction so they can deliver a Structured Literacy program more effectively using a data-driven problem solving approach.

“The ever-expanding Science of Reading is, in our view, an objective way to explain that reading is complex and must be taught using instructional approaches informed by science and student data. Science is open-minded and objective. It doesn’t take sides but rather illuminates a path…. There are no fix-alls in education, but ensuring every child becomes a reader would open possibilities that children, their families, and eductors deserve to explore”

(Lyon and Goldberg, 2024, Perspectives).

“The science of reading is inextricably linked to the love of reading. To teach and inspire the next generation, we simply can’t have one without the other.”

(Moats, TR is RS, 2020)

Series 1

In this 45-hour course developed by Dr. Margie Gillis, a Certified Academic Language Therapist and founder of Literacy How, we will provide classroom teachers with knowledge to enhance their classroom and Tier 2 instruction. The Simple View of Reading framework provides a structure to the series acknowledging the importance of explicitly and systematically teaching word recognition skills (i.e., phonemic awareness, decoding, encoding and reading fluency) while simultaneously supporting the development of students’ language comprehension abilities.

Series 2/3

In this 30-hour course developed by Dr. Margie Gillis, a Certified Academic Language Therapist and founder of Literacy How, teachers will learn how to teach word recognition skills explicitly and systematically to students with SLD/Dyslexia.

The series will also demonstrate how to combine word recognition instruction that teaches foundational skills (i.e., phonemic awareness, decoding, and encoding) with methodology in reading comprehension, vocabulary development, and written expression.