How Can a Comprehensive Reading Evaluation Help Your Struggling Reader?
The purpose of a comprehensive reading evaluation is to present a functional assessment of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses that can inform decisions for appropriate instruction and effective interventions.
The comprehensive evaluation assesses skills in the 5 component parts of reading including but not limited to phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Additional areas related to literacy, including written expression, are assessed as needed for each individual student.
The evaluation may also include assessment of math skills and provide recommendations for additional testing in the areas of cognitive functioning, speech and language, and/or assistive technology.
Comprehensive Reading Evaluations: Our Step-by-Step Process
Review of Records
Our evaluator reviews academic records to avoid re-administering tests or duplicating effort. Another aim is to document the history of the client’s reading related problems including observations of the initial onset of the learning difficuleties. Since learning occurs in context, the review may also include records kept by parents, work samples, instructional approaches, and informal assessments such as progress monitoring. This review helps determine what additional information is needed to understand the reasons that the student is experiencing difficulties. After a record review, a variety of measures are considered and selected based on the individual’s unique profile and needs. Classroom observations may also be recommended.
The assessment battery is administered and results are analyzed. This typically occurs during two testing sessions.
Written Report
This report of results forms the basis for specific recommendations to inform the student’s support team (i.e., parents, teachers, and administrative staff involved in the student’s education plan) about an appropriate course of action to remediate the individual’s reading challenges. The written report is delivered 4-6 weeks after testing is completed.
Call our office at 203-239-7323 to learn more.
To find qualified evaluators for students living outside of Connecticut, Literacy How recommends contacting the local branch of Decoding Dyslexia or other state dyslexia organizations. Read Evaluating Your Child for Dyslexia.
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